Guatemala – National Day of Dignity of Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict

With more than 200,000 victims of the internal armed conflict (1960-1996), including around 45,000 disappeared, the great majority at the hands of government forces, Guatemala has largely failed to address the issue of the Missing. For the families of the dead and the missing the prospect of achieving justice, including ascertaining the facts and circumstances…

Respect for Local Authority and Partnership in Researching Indigenous Mass Graves in Western Australia

The MaGPIE team acknowledges Aboriginal peoples of the distinct traditional lands and language groups of Western Australia as the Traditional Owners of the land upon which this research is based. We pay respect to Elders past and present and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned…

MaGMap: Mass Grave Mapping

  Mapping projects related to mass atrocities and human rights violations are prevalent across the globe. Despite their often well-intentioned origins, there has been minimal practical research and subsequent output focused on what constitutes effective mapping. Furthermore, there is a lack of guidance on how to balance the pursuit of justice with the need to…

Achievement of Justice

MaGPIE’s mass grave mapping comprises multiple steps; searching for and categorising mass graves, deciphering the relevant treaties, laws, and institutions each State uses to address them, investigating the best forensic investigation practices, and determining how justice can be achieved for the victims, families and affected communities.   Dr Ellie Smith focuses on the latter aspect—achieving…

ICMP Collaboration

Between 22nd – 24th May 2024 members of the MaGPIE team paid a visit to the International Commission on Missing Persons headquarters in The Hague. Melanie has been working successfully with the ICMP, particularly Andreas Kleiser, for a number of years in conjunction with the Missing Persons Indicator Project, a project closely associated with MaGPIE, that…